

HAPPY Birthday to my dear dear friend Ashley Brooke of Ashley Brooke Designs! My birthday is tomorrow and we like to fancy ourselves birthday twins! I hope you have a great day Ash :)
In other news today I will be working at Primrose and packing for my trip later this afternoon/evening, because I definitely don't want to spend my birthday packing! I hope you have a great Tuesday!



Prissy Southern Prep said...

That is such a cute picture! Happy Birthday to Ashley!

Alyson said...

I do believe I took this picture! :) Ya'll are absolutely adorable and I hope you both have fabulous birthdays! You deserve it!

Jackie said...

We are birthday twins!

Happy early birthday and happy birthday to Ashley too!

Kate said...

Happy birthday!

Meg said...

I wandered over from Ashley Brooke's blog to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day today!!

Ky said...

hello hello! make sure you stop by my blog...I have a little sometnin' somethin' for you! Love you! P.S. cute picture

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!